Sunday, June 03, 2007

Nancy Pearl

On Thursday, May 31, Mark! and I went to the Forest Hills branch of the Queens Library to hear Nancy Pearl talk about her new book, Book Crush. It's Book Expo weekend and there are tons of big names in town right now. Somehow, someone at the Forest Hills branch finagled a visit from Nancy Pearl during all of this excitement. She was totally fabulous. She is an excellent speaker; she must have given this book tour talk a million times so far and she's still so excited to share her thoughts with us that everything she says feels fresh. Mark! and I sat in the front row; when she brought up Robin McKinley's Sunshine and Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere, she immediately responded to my excitement. She cared! She gave a shit about me being excited about books! What a wonderful lady.

And I took some photos:

Nancy Pearl is coming to town!

Alexa and Nancy

And, as a bonus for you, my faithful readers, here's a photo from when I met Andrew Vachss, the author of the Burke novels, on September 12, 2006:

Andrew Vachss at the Astor Place Barnes and Nobles

1 comment:

loubank said...

You know Vachss' final Burke novel ships December 30, right?